Many boomer age people (people born between the years 1946 – 1964) were part of the counter culture of the 1960’s. Beginning in the 1960’s one of the most popular and sustaining explorations was meditation. People traveled to Asia to learn traditional forms of mindfulness practices..and then some of the Asian teachers began to travel to the west as more and more people found meditation practice to be extremely helpful in many ways.
Today, meditation has become mainstream. It is taught in office settings, at sports clinics and in meditation centers of all stripes. The word “mindfulness” has been adopted even by the food industry to attract attention to the basic health associated with their products. There are many magazines now or simply articles on racks in grocery stores featuring the benefits and approaches to meditation, just like yoga has become very accepted.
For meditation to be so accessible is great news, if you ask a meditation practitioner, and now as the original boomer age people are getting older, meditation has applications that suit the aging processes very successfully. Here is an article in which an interview with Jack Kornfield, one of the original American meditation practitioners and teachers addresses the subject of fear and mindfulness.
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